Minimum Requirement. A minimum of 5 services (including the bride, or the financial equivalent of $575 for less than 5) is required for all on location makeup services. If minimum is not met, a base of $400 will be charged to meet this requirement
Deposit and Payment. The Client shall make a deposit in the amount of $150 to retain the Makeup Artist to perform the specified herein. At such time as this order is completed the deposit shall be applied to reduce the total package cost and the Client shall pay the balance due. Deposits are retainers and are non-refundable. To secure your services, please return completed contract and deposit. You may mail deposit and contract to Heather Erman 3265 Chadbourne Road Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Deposit may also be paid online through Venmo @heathererman.
Contract may also be filled out and emailed back to heyoboyle@yahoo.com.
Payment. Please pay remaining amount due in cash the day of the event, before the makeup application services begin. Bride will be the responsible party for the total fee of the purchased package on the day of wedding, unless another contact is otherwise appointed in writing prior.
Setup Request. We can work in any space, but ideally it is best to work near natural light by a window. Please provide a small table or counter area and a stool or chair
Cancellation Policy. If for any reason the services are canceled, the deposit shall be kept as a cancellation fee.
Parking. Bride is responsible for parking fee or valet, if applicable.
Image Request. It is requested (but not required) that after the wedding, the bride email heyoboyle@yahoo.com a few professional portraits of herself on her wedding day that we may use in our bridal portfolio and website.
Client Satisfaction. Tips are NOT expected, but greatly appreciated. They are a reflection of a client’s satisfaction and are among the highest compliments in regards to our work. You may also tip by leaving a review about your experience on The Knot and/or Facebook.
Second Artist Fee. A $150 second artist fee applies for bridal services booked with 8 people or more. Second artists may be brought in if you have a limited time to get ready, or at the recommendation of the makeup artist
Late Fee. A late fee of $25 will be charged for every 15 minutes of delay when a client is late for a scheduled appointment time, or if scheduled makeup time exceeds allotted times because of Client delays. This will be paid for in cash before the Artist or client leaves. This also includes anyone in your booked party. If the Client (or anyone in your party) is late on the event date that time is deducted from the appointment time. If the Artist is not finished at the end of the allotted time because of tardiness the Artist will have to start the next client. If the Artist has time at the end they will finish the person who was late. The Artist is not responsible for tardiness and unfinished makeup due to the Client being late. This late policy is the same for Trial Runs. This is Non-Negotiable.
Trial Run. A trial run is mandatory for all weddings. This is our only chance to nail the perfect look so you can go into your big day confident that we have it right. A trial run does NOT guarantee a booking. If you decide to try on your look before booking be aware that your date may be booked before or after we even do a trial. I do my best to follow up promptly. However, once you have a trial run please get in contact to secure your date if you have not heard from me. If you know for sure you love my work, please go ahead and book as to not miss out on your date. You must have a signed contract and retainer before your date is booked. Trial Run is completed in my studio.
Contract Conditions. Contract will be signed by the person booking services for a particular session, and will specify the location, date, time, number of persons receiving makeup services, and what time each person will have reserved. If services for more than one person are being booked, retainer must be paid at the time of contract signing to guarantee each reservation. Due to the possibility of schedule conflicts, additional services added after contract signing or changes made to the location, date, and time of event will be done at the sole discretion of Heather Erman. This contract is the only agreement between the person(s) booking / contracting the services of Heather Erman. The contract with full policies will be emailed to the client and returned back to Heather Erman with payment.
Early Start Fee. A $100 charge will be added to weddings that have a getting ready start time earlier than 6am.
Artist Services at Wedding. If you would like an artist to stay after the initial application it will be at a rate of $100 per artist per hour.
Changes in Package. The total number of people needing makeup services, i.e- Bridesmaids/Moms, etc, needs to be known no later than 30 days before the wedding. Services and time schedule must be agreed upon by this time in order to guarantee services to all that may want them on the wedding day. If time permits, additional services (ie makeups) may be added day of.
Failure to Perform. If the Makeup Artist cannot perform this Agreement due to a fire, casualty, act of God, or other causes beyond the control of the parties, or due to Makeup Artist’s illness, then the Makeup Artist shall return the deposit and funds paid, but have no further liability with respect to this agreement. The Makeup Artist may substitute another Makeup Artist to do makeup for the wedding in the event of Makeup Artist’s illness. In the event of such substitution, Makeup Artist warrants that the replacement Makeup Artist shall be a competent professional.
Miscellaneous. The Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties. Any modifications of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. Any waiver of a breach or default hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of subsequent breach or default of either the provision or any other provision of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio.