Hey! I’m Heather.
I am a Holistic wellness and lifestyle coach, makeup artist, mom, wife, nutrition super nerd, an energy enthusiast, soul connection-addict, lover of laughter, cheerleader of women, coffee-snob, and pretty damn crunchy in most every way. Thanks for being here!
A little about me, I will try and fail, to make this quick. It all started back in my California days. After graduating from college with an art degree and being so inspired by theatrical makeup, I wanted to become a makeup artist. And this I did. I was so moved by transformation, character makeup, special effects, wound simulation, creating custom creatures from a written description. I learned to do all of this, and I loved it. But along that path, I fell in love with good ol' beauty makeup, but more so, with the simple transformation of a face, and who somebody becomes with just a little “corrective” makeup, and then how that would affect their confidence and the way they carried themselves. I worked on endless commercials (K Mart, Subway, AT&T, Chevy, etc.), and TV shows, (HGTV, an embarrassing amount of reality shows, Food Network, etc). All of it a wild ride. Peppered in there I did my share of special effects makeup, which always gave me such satisfaction. I realize here, that transformation is my motivator.
After having our first baby, we moved back to Ohio in 2017, where I started my career doing bridal makeup, which I love. It lights my soul on fire when something I love to do evokes an emotional response in another. When a woman looks in the mirror and feels beautiful, that’s all I need. I love empowering women, and helping them to see their own beauty, it's easier for a woman to appreciate her own beauty when it's the work of someone else, it's a paradox. She feels beautiful, but gives me the credit. But what she's seeing is herself and feeling self confident. That is really powerful. That is the beauty of makeup.
But that's just not good enough for me anymore. I don't want you borrowing confidence anymore. I want to help you to create your own self worth and beauty from deep within, so it spills out all over the surface. When you wash your face, your beauty doesn't wash away with the makeup. This is true transformation.
After having a breech baby, (and I may not have mentioned a lifelong obsession with nutrition, wellness, and natural healing), I kind of freaked out realizing the amount of medical intervention that was about to go down on a mama and baby who had planned a very natural delivery. C Section babies are up to 5x more likely to have food allergies, eczema and asthma because of the lack of good gut bacteria they get during birth. Guess what, mine has eczema and food allergies.
Its been my life’s mission to help reset her and get her healthy, for good. And not with steroids, or other “bandaids.” That was my mission. Six months into my health coach training program, I realized how much more went into “health” than nutrition, than solely the food on our plates. And how much MOMS really tend to let this other stuff slide. Being one of them, I have committed to helping other moms with this life balance thing. It’s a monster. Motherhood is hard, let’s make it soft. I am here to help you transform your life, starting on the inside. Clean up your thoughts, identify blocks, lose all of the emotional and literal junk, and replace it with love, self acceptance and a true sense of You-ness. Wholeness. Balance. AND, at the end of it all, we’ll do a makeup lesson, on me. When you feel beautiful inside, and look beautiful outside, WHAT can stop you???